NBTHK certification

Authentication of swords and fittings by NBTHK via Tsuba.info

In the following we would like to give an overview of the NBTHK certification process. The NBTHK concerns itself with the preservation of Japanese Art Swords and Kodogu. This includes the inspection and certification of such items. Every year they hold several inspection meetings called ‘Shinsa’. Collectors may hand their items in for Shinsa to receive one of the following certificates:

  • Hozon
  • Tokubetsu Hozon
  • Juyo
  • Tokubetsu Juyo

To acquire a certain rank of certificate a piece first has to receive the rank below that one, which means any item without certificates has first to get Hozon papers. It is possible to directly apply for Tokubetsu Hozon though and it saves some money in case the item achieves that rank. Additionaly, an item can receive ‘Horyu’ which is not a rank, it means that the Shinsa members were not sure about an attribution and that the item would have to handed in again to receive a certificate. However, the outcome afterwards is not clear and it has been seen that items received Horyu several times in a row.

If you would like to get your items certified we recommend authentication of sword fittings and swords by NBTHK via Tsuba.info. An overview of prices is given below.

NBTHK sword fitting certificates price list

For sword-fitting appraisal by the NBTHK in Tokyo via Tsuba.info. Shipping costs excluded. In some cases the NBTHK will give the verdict ‘horyu’ which means they cannot decide at the current stage about the item. For an attribution of Horyu, a service charge of 6600 JPY will be applied.

certificate rankfailpass
Hozon14000 JPY25500 JPY
Tokubetsu Hozon14000 JPY40000 JPY
Hozon & Tokubetsu Hozon *14000 JPY55000 JPY
Juyo40000 JPY160000 JPY
Tokubetsu Juyo45000 JPY300000 JPY

* In case of application for Hozon & Tokubetsu Hozon only achieving Hozon, the price for failing Tokubetsu Hozon applies additionally.

menuki ishiguro birds Authentication of sword fittings by NBTHK via Tsuba.info

Example of an NBTHK Hozon certificate (NBTHK Hozon Kanteisho)

Authentication of sword fittings by NBTHK via Tsuba.info

Example of an NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon certificate (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Kanteisho)

NBTHK sword certificates price list

For sword appraisal by the NBTHK in Tokyo via Tsuba.info. Shipping costs excluded. A service fee of 51000 JPY applies for import, registration, deregistration and export procedures, for swords which are shipped to Japan from abroad. More details on Import and Export can be found here: https://tsuba.info/nihonto-import-export/

In some cases the NBTHK will give the verdict ‘horyu’ which means they cannot decide at the current stage about the item. We will charge 7700 JPY if the item receives horyu.

certificate rankfailpass
Hozon18700 JPY36000 JPY
Tokubetsu Hozon18700 JPY47000 JPY
Hozon & Tokubetsu Hozon *18700 JPY70000 JPY
Juyo45000 JPY270000 JPY
Tokubetsu Juyo60000 JPY410000 JPY

* In case of application for Hozon & Tokubetsu Hozon only achieving Hozon, the price for failing Tokubetsu Hozon applies additionally.

You want to get your japanese sword certified but need help with Transport?

Tsuba.info provides import and export support for Japanese swords to safely get your items across the borders. Find more information here:


You want to know more about the NBTHK?

This link will bring you to the official website of the NBTHK main branch in Japan where you can read about the NBTHK certification process:
